Let Justice Roll

The following poem was written and performed by Thandi Gamedze for The Justice Conference South Africa.

Adaptation of Amos

My people,

Called, known, created

Freed, redeemed, liberated

My people

How quickly you have forgotten our shared history

How swiftly you have reduced me to a God of apathy

Neutral in the face of injustice.

Do you not know me at all?

For you perfect your religion like it’s a play, getting on your knees to pray, memorising your sermon lines, finding flawless harmonies to enhance your worship sets

Yet off stage, you underpay your employees, and justify harsh inequality with your gospel of prosperity, silencing my prophets who proclaim liberation.

Your offerings are a mockery when they have been gained through the pain and exploitation of others

Their bones cry out from the ground

The bones of the landless, the enslaved, the imprisoned, the oppressed…

The bones of my people cry out from the ground…

This ground whose cracks echo the ever-widening chasm between rich and poor

In spasm under the weight of injustice, creation groans

The land cries out for living waters to flow

No, this drought will not be remedied through trickle-down charity

Your last remaining hope is to seek me and live

The God who brought you up out of Egypt

Seek me and live

The God who proclaims liberty to the captives

Seek me and live

The God who is good news for the poor

Seek me and live

That justice may roll down like mighty waters

And righteousness like an ever-flowing stream

-Thandi Gamedze

Here is a link to Thandi’s personal blog, Insights and Opinions


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