Volunteer in Redding

Getting involved in Redding, California!

Justice Collective is based in Redding, California, and we are partnered with three projects that provide opportunities to get involved with us in the local community: the Mentoring Collaborative, the Northern California Anti-Trafficking Coalition (NCAT), and Foster Shasta.

Mentoring Collaborative


“The more healthy relationships a child has, the more likely he will be to recover from trauma and thrive. Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love.”

-Dr. Bruce Perry, psychiatrist and expert in childhood trauma

The Mentoring Collaborative knows that positive adult relationships with at-risk youth can change the course of their lives, and in turn, the long-term health of their communities. 

Children raised in single-parent homes face unique challenges. They are less likely to graduate high school or college, more likely to use drugs and alcohol, and more likely to have mental health problems. The breakdowns in families often later lead to breakdowns in society.

But having an adult mentor makes a difference to at-risk youth. According to Standtogether.org, a mentor increases a student’s likelihood of attending college by 50 percent. Youth in a mentor program are also 46 percent less likely to use drugs and 27 percent less likely to use alcohol. Being a mentor makes a BIG difference!

What we do

We bring groups of 5-8 adult mentors to six public school campuses, seeing approximately 150 youth each week. At each campus, we collaborate with school counselors, principals and school staff to create a mentoring group tailored to the unique needs of the school. The groups are focused on building leadership and life skills, and character development.  In these groups, we model healthy behaviors, teaching kids to approach their life journey with strength and wisdom.

How to get involved

We need adults who can make a two-hour weekly commitment during school hours for the academic year, with more hours optional as relationships develop. Email justice@bethel.com for more information! 



Northern California Anti-Trafficking Coalition (NCAT)

Our vision is to see Northern California slavery-free.

The Northern California Anti-Trafficking Coalition is a group of Shasta County citizens–business people, moms and dads, and leaders in various sectors of our community–who have a passion to see human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking, become something our community is equipped to respond to in a holistic way.

We mean to educate our community about this issue as well as have intervention systems in place that bring restoration and healing to people involved–both the victim and the perpetrator. We are motivated by the reality that there are people–mostly women and children–who are in terrible situations of suffering and oppression. We aim to bring our community together, each of us playing our part to eradicate sex trafficking in our community.

Our focus can be described by four target areas:

  • Awareness -- educating the community and exposing the issue and risk of human trafficking;

  • Prevention -- eliminating the demand for commercial sex trafficking;

  • Intervention -- ending the supply of vulnerable and exploited individuals and interrupting trafficking where it’s found;

  • Restoration -- restoring the voice, value and identity of people impacted by human trafficking.

To learn more about how to get involved, visit: www.ncatcoalition.com


This is a video that highlights a sex trafficking case from Shasta county. It was shown at a NCAT event at the Cascade Theatre in 2019.



Foster Shasta

Our Children, Our Legacy, Our Responsibility


Foster Shasta began as a preventative initiative of NCAT when one concerned citizen came forth with a sense of urgency to create a program that can help raise awareness of the need for resource parents in Shasta County, as well as support local foster family agencies in matching those parents with kids who need homes. According to a statistic by the National Youth Foster Institute, 60% of child sex trafficking victims recovered by the FBI in 2013 were from foster care or group homes. We believe that helping find vulnerable children and youth safe places to live is a strategic step in helping prevent sex trafficking from spreading further.

There are multiple ways to get involved:

  • Become a Resource Parent/Family

  • Transitional In-Home Mentor

  • Respite Care Worker

  • Supplying Needs of Resource Families

  • Become an Ambassador for the Issue

How to get involved: Fill out the contact form at FosterShasta.com or email contact@fostershasta.com