Meet Justice Collective
Justice Collective is committed to an authentic, full expression of the gospel of Jesus Christ by catalyzing and building a Kingdom justice movement. God is instigating a justice movement in and through His church. He is pouring His spirit out on justice, demonstrating that He is a father to the fatherless, a lover of justice and righteousness, and wants to make all wrongs right again. This work is so much bigger than one place, one church, or one denomination. It’s an exciting time to be alive.
Justice Collective joins with this movement God has been building by inspiring, connecting, and engaging Christians into the sacred work of Kingdom justice. We are a voice to the church to clarify what justice is, a hub to gather and join people together, and a catalyst to Christians engaging the work of justice in their own lives and communities.
How do we work?
We catalyze a functional network and training platform to release workers into kingdom justice work. There are three areas of work that we do:
Inspire: We are voice to the church, clarifying biblical justice and showcasing the stories of Christians doing hands-on justice work. The goal is to change the way Christians think about justice and their own role in doing it.
Connect: We are a hub, gathering people from diverse backgrounds and callings to live connected, healthy, and in community. Justice should be done at the highest level of excellence, so we bring people and organizations together to collaborate on the best practices to tackle specific injustices.
Engage: We are catalyst for Christians to turn passion into action. The full body of Christ should reflect God’s own dedication to and love for justice. Our goal is to see every Christian engaged in God’s work of restorative, transformational Kingdom justice through their unique callings and giftings.
What is Kingdom Justice?
There are a lot of definitions for justice and social justice out there. Because of this confusion, we want to be clear about how we exactly define Kingdom justice based on the biblical message.
Kingdom justice gives the opportunity for every person and community to be in shalom, to live their full potential and experience the fullness of life that God intended for us.
The justice that Jesus gives us, and we in turn get to release, is victorious, transformational, and restorative. Heaven is full of justice, so when we are doing justice on the earth, we are making earth look more like heaven.
In the last century, the Protestant side of the church has had a challenging time engaging with “social justice” because of controversial theology from the Social Gospel Movement. This time in history— not God or the Bible— forced the question, “Do we do justice or the gospel?” Because of this legacy, the evangelical side of the church has spent years reacting against social justice, often out of a genuine desire to reflect biblical truth and the gospel.
But we know that devaluing justice and splitting the body of Christ over doing it is plainly an attack from the enemy. Justice and righteousness are foundational to God’s character (Ezra 9:15, Ps. 4:1, Prov. 29:26, Isa. 30:18, Jer. 23:6, Mal. 2:17), His reign (Ps. 89:14, 97:2, 98; Acts 17:31; 1 Peter 2:23; Rev 19:11), His people (Gen. 18:19), Jesus’ work (Ps. 72, Isa. 11:1-5, Jer. 23:5-6, 33:15-16), taught by Jesus (Matthew 5-7, 22:34-40, 25:31-46; Mark 12:13-17; Luke 4:18-19, 6:20-47, 10:25-37, 14:12-14) and the Kingdom we now live in (Isa. 9:7, 16:5, 42:1-4; Ps. 72; Rom. 14:17). We want to see the full display of God’s righteousness and justice, which was made victorious through Jesus, expressed in every part of the Kingdom of God.