
Justice Collective is passionate about equipping Christians to understand and do justice with excellence. We have multiple free eCourses and teaching series on topics around justice. Check out our current options below, and look out for more coming in 2020.

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The Kingdom of God is justice. It is established and supported by justice, and justice is natural overflow of life redeemed by Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. The justice that Jesus gives us, and we in turn get to release, is victorious, transformational, and restorative. For years, the Church has been awakening to the biblical call to do justice. More and more, Christians are responding to this call— working to integrate justice as a healthy, normal part of their lives and looking to be connected into the wider Body of Christ that is also doing justice with excellence.

This Kingdom Justice eCourse is designed to serve Christians on their journey to better understand and do justice. It explores the Biblical basis for justice, and gives practical steps to growing in doing justice individually and corporately.

This series is taught by Lance Jacobs, Founder of Justice Collective and the Director of City Team at Bethel Church, and Jessica Nicholas, author of God Loves Justice: A User Friendly Guide to Biblical Justice and Righteousness.


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The Demystifying Biblical Justice eCourse introduces the topic of biblical justice in an approachable, understandable way. This series is taught by Jessica Nicholas, author of God Loves Justice: A User-Friendly Guide to Biblical Justice and Righteousness. Questions addressed include:

  • How does the Bible define justice and righteousness?

  • What are some biblical examples of doing justice?

  • How are our modern ideas of justice different from Biblical ones?

  • Why can it be hard to see justice in the New Testament?

  • Can we do justice and evangelism?

  • How do we keep hope alive in the midst of seeing and experiencing injustice?

Each video teaching comes with a downloadable outline, which includes the sources for the material.