Treasure in the Desert

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Almost 8 years ago, my husband, children, and I left our cozy little town of 500 people in the middle of the Australian bush on an adventure of a lifetime. Well, that's what we told ourselves as we saw a door of opportunity open before us for my husband to work as an Environmental Scientist in the gold mines of Northern Nevada. Into the unknown we jumped with three children and five suitcases, placing our lives into God’s hands.


“Northern Nevada?!” I remember exclaiming to my husband. It took a whole day to drive across the state, and it was one of the most boring landscapes I had ever seen. Sagebrush and brown hills were as far as the eye could see! 

We moved to Elko, Nevada, a town of about 30,000 smack dab in the middle of the state on I-80- four hours to Salt Lake City and four hours to Reno. There are a few smaller towns in between, however vast stretches of open range for hours are between them.

It may sound remote, and yes Elko is, but it was definitely exciting for us as we moved from Australia. This place felt like the Wild West we’d seen in the movies! It felt in some ways we stepped back in time. There were many more people than the 500 we were surrounded by in Australia- there was a Wal-Mart, sport teams for our children and some lifelong friends we made through our church family.

One day soon after our move, our family had to go to Reno to take care of some business in the big city.After dozing off to sleep on the drive, my husband nudged me awake to prepare for a restroom stop at a small town. 


As I awoke, in front of me was a huge yellow billboard advertising, “For a good time, go to this place. Sex for sale”. I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing! I asked my husband to make sure I was seeing correctly and he confirmed with surprise the very direct advertising. 

As we carried on our trip, I counted about five more signs. We prayed as we drove, for the men and women caught up in this trap. I remember asking the Lord to connect me with others who have a heart to go love on these people.

I asked around town not long after our road trip to see if there was anyone involved with ministering to the ladies. I was surprised at the response I found, “Well, it’s always been here.” It seemed as if openly selling sex was the norm. 

My heart stirred again as I asked myself while driving past the brothels in our little town, “What if this was my daughter caught up in this situation? Wouldn't I want someone to help them, or at least remind them that they are loved and valuable?”

Because of my history, I am particularly sensitive to seeing people written off as too damaged broken. God did a huge healing in my heart after years of drug abuse, abusive situations and self-hatred. During that healing process, He placed a passion for people in me, to recognize their God-given value, and see them set free from destructive patterns in their lives. I want to see people embrace and celebrate who God had made them to be. 

A few months later, God answered my prayers and I was connected with a 75-year-old fiery, passionate lover of Jesus. She grabbed me by my hand and pulled me into what she had been doing for ten years throughout Nevada in these little hidden towns in the desert.


We would tap on every door that advertised sex-for-sale, with our hearts full to pour out God’s love. Behind the windows, curtains would part, and smiles would spread across faces as the doors swung open and open arms were surrounded in hugs, tears, and laughter. We had the honor to shower these beautiful ones with love, encouragement, and give them handmade gifts, which were donated by local groups of women in different churches. We would always ask at the end of our visits how we could pray for them. God's presence would fill these dark places with peace, comfort, love and hope. 

The stories that were shared and the situations that we came across would leave me wailing on my two-hour drive back home across the high desert landscape. I desperately wanted to see all of women we encountered set free and healed up from their lives in the brothels.

However, it was not as easy as telling them “Come with me and let me take you away from here!”  

The women and girls in these brothels were in often difficult and dangerous situations. We got to see some get out and get into recovery programs, but a lot didn't. Many times, we would never get to see them again. 

There were some brothels that had rooms that we knew people being held, and there were places that would never allow us past the front door. This broke our hearts as we prayed outside declaring freedom, protection, and God’s love to break down every wall and touch every life with His presence and power.

The world is waiting for us to pour Him out everywhere Christ leads us to step. We are vessels of God's love, glory and hope, we are the hands and feet of Christ. Jesus always brings us into beauty and redemption; He wants to use us to bring his beauty and redemption everywhere we go. What a privilege to be a son or daughter of the King and share in His love.

All of us at one time in our lives have gone through a ‘desert’ season. For me, Northern Nevada is the desert land that I originally thought, “Who in their right mind would live here?!” It was in this place, I found beyond the sagebrush, dust, brown hills and valleys, there was beautiful treasure. It was such a privilege to minister to these ladies, God’s beautiful treasure. Sometimes forgotten by man, but always at the center of our Heavenly Fathers heart.

Although our family now lives in Redding, CA, there are still many living in a ‘desert season’ of hopelessness in our new town. Nevada is where my passion was birthed for working against human trafficking; the reason why I chose to volunteer with NCAT and Justice Collective and support the incredible work they are doing. It is an honor to be a part of God’s heart. 

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
    and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,

   and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
    instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
    instead of mourning,

(Isaiah 61:1-3a NIV)

-Kirsten Steele

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