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The Kingdom of God is justice. It is established and supported by justice, and justice is natural overflow of life redeemed by Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. The justice that Jesus gives us, and we in turn get to release, is victorious, transformational, and restorative. For years, the Church has been awakening to the biblical call to do justice. More and more, Christians are responding to this call— working to integrate justice as a healthy, normal part of their lives and looking to be connected into the wider Body of Christ that is also doing justice with excellence.

This Kingdom Justice eCourse is designed to serve Christians on their journey to better understand and do justice. It explores the Biblical basis for justice, and gives practical steps to growing in doing justice individually and corporately.

This series is taught by Lance Jacobs, Founder of Justice Collective and the Director of City Team at Bethel Church, and Jessica Nicholas, author of God Loves Justice: A User Friendly Guide to Biblical Justice and Righteousness.


Welcome to the eCourse


Biblically Defining Kingdom Justice

How does the Bible define the Kingdom of God and justice? Jessica Nicholas gives an introduction to the Biblical foundations for both the Kingdom of God and the justice that it brings.


Foundations of Kingdom Justice

Lance Jacobs explores of the foundations for Kingdom Justice, including the theological grounding. He gives language to help define Kingdom Justice and shows how it is a part of our journeys in following Christ.


Biblical Pictures of Kingdom Justice

In the Bible, we are given powerful, specific pictures for how justice is integrated into the Kingdom of God. Jessica Nicholas looks at three of these Biblical pictures and what they teach us about what justice is and how it should be expressed in our Kingdom-centered lifestyles.


Finding Kingdom Justice as a Pastor

Lance Jacobs shares his story about how he, as a full-time pastor leading evangelism at his church, walked into Kingdom Justice as a natural part of his journey of serving Christ. His process of discovering justice is inspiring and full of practical wisdom for other faith leaders.


Kingdom Justice: Where to Start

There is so much injustice and suffering in the world- it can feel overwhelming to even get started with what one person can do to bring justice and restoration. Lance Jacobs gives some practical ways to start making steps in your life toward doing Kingdom Justice. He provides practical wisdom and encouragement for those that are looking for how to get started and grow in developing outlets for Kingdom Justice.


Kingdom Justice: The Church

What are ways that Christians can partner together to have a greater impact for justice? Lance Jacobs, a pastor for 20 years, looks at some of the ways that the church can work together to make Kingdom Justice a reality on the earth.